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data class FollowerModel(id: String, login: String, nodeId: String, avatarUrl: String, gravatarId: String, url: String, htmlUrl: String, followersUrl: String, followingUrl: String, gistsUrl: String, starredUrl: String, subscriptionsUrl: String, organizationsUrl: String, reposUrl: String, eventsUrl: String, receivedEventsUrl: String, type: String, siteAdmin: Boolean)
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Follower model
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data class RepoModel(id: String, name: String, fullName: String, owner: RepoOwnerModel, isPrivate: Boolean, htmlUrl: String, desc: String?, fork: Boolean, url: String, archiveUrl: String, assigneesUrl: String, blobsUrl: String, branchesUrl: String, collaboratorsUrl: String, commentsUrl: String, commitsUrl: String, compareUrl: String, contentsUrl: String, contributorsUrl: String, deploymentsUrl: String, downloadsUrl: String, eventsUrl: String, forksUrl: String, gitCommitsUrl: String, gitRefsUrl: String, gitTagsUrl: String, gitUrl: String, issueCommentUrl: String, issueEventsUrl: String, issuesUrl: String, keysUrl: String, labelsUrl: String, languagesUrl: String, mergesUrl: String, milestonesUrl: String, notificationsUrl: String, pullsUrl: String, releasesUrl: String, sshUrl: String, stargazersUrl: String, statusesUrl: String, subscribersUrl: String, subscriptionUrl: String, tagsUrl: String, teamsUrl: String, treesUrl: String, cloneUrl: String, mirrorUrl: String?, hooksUrl: String, svnUrl: String, homepage: String?, language: String?, forksCount: Int, stargazersCount: Int, watchersCount: Int, size: Int, defaultBranch: String, openIssuesCount: Int, isTemplate: Boolean, hasIssues: Boolean, hasProjects: Boolean, hasWiki: Boolean, hasPages: Boolean, hasDownloads: Boolean, archived: Boolean, disabled: Boolean, visibility: String, permissions: RepoPermissionsModel, license: RepoLicenseModel?, forks: Int, openIssues: Int, watchers: Int, pushedAt: String, createdAt: String, updatedAt: String)
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Repo model
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data class RepoOwnerModel(id: String, login: String, nodeId: String, avatarUrl: String, gravatarId: String, url: String, htmlUrl: String, followersUrl: String, followingUrl: String, gistsUrl: String, starredUrl: String, subscriptionsUrl: String, organizationsUrl: String, reposUrl: String, eventsUrl: String, receivedEventsUrl: String, type: String, siteAdmin: Boolean)
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Repo owner model
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Error response model
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data class ResponseExceptionModel(code: Int, message: String, documentationUrl: String)
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Error response Exception
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data class RocketModel(flightNumber: Int, missionName: String, launchDateUTC: String, launchSuccess: Boolean?)
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Test model query
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data class SecurityModel(accessToken: String, expiresIn: Int, refreshToken: String, refreshTokenExpiresIn: Int)
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Model auth tokens
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data class UserModel(id: String, login: String, nodeId: String, avatarUrl: String, gravatarId: String, url: String, htmlUrl: String, followersUrl: String, followingUrl: String, gistsUrl: String, starredUrl: String, subscriptionsUrl: String, organizationsUrl: String, reposUrl: String, eventsUrl: String, receivedEventsUrl: String, type: String, siteAdmin: Boolean, name: String, company: String?, blog: String?, location: String?, email: String?, hireable: String?, bio: String?, twitterUsername: String?, publicRepos: Int, publicGists: Int, followers: Int, following: Int, createdAt: String, updatedAt: String, plan: UserPlanModel)
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User model
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data class UserPlanModel(name: String, space: Int, collaborators: Int, privateRepos: Int)
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User plan model
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fun createFollowerModel(id: String, login: String, avatarUrl: String, htmlUrl: String): FollowerModel
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fun createRepoModel(id: String, url: String, language: String?, isPrivate: Boolean, name: String, fullName: String, ownerName: String, license: String?, visibility: String, desc: String?, stargazersCount: Int, forks: Int, openIssuesCount: Int, watchersCount: Int, size: Int, updatedAt: String, createdAt: String): RepoModel
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